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Level-up Reflex engagement and promote friendly classroom competition

Do your students love going for the Reflex Green Light? Are they fueled by healthy competition? Try our latest feature, Reflex Competitions!

What are Reflex Competitions?

New Reflex Competitions allow teachers to host competitions among different classrooms in the same school building. Now, students in one classroom can face off against other classes in a school for amped-up engagement, fun rivalry, and increased math fact fluency motivation!

How do I set up a competition in Reflex?

You can access Reflex Competitions from two different locations: Account Home or the Reflex Reporting Dashboard.

  • ExploreLearning Account Home: From the left side of your Account Home, you’ll find a new icon for Reflex Competitions just below your product panel. Click on the Reflex Competitions icon to access Competitions.
  • Reflex Reporting Dashboard: You’ll see a new green banner across the top of your screen. If you’re new to Reflex Competitions, click on the “Launch Competitions” button to get started.

Crabby holding a magnifying glass

From the Reflex Competitions homepage, click "Create Competition." Set your competition name and invite fellow teachers at your school to participate. If you teach multiple classes yourself, your students can compete against one another without inviting another teacher!

Set the duration of your competition. Select a “Team” (Reflex class group) to participate in the competition, and don’t forget to give your team a name. You can even customize your team with an icon and team color. Once a competition is active, students do not need to take any additional action when using Reflex. Their individual Reflex data will contribute to overall Team performance.

Crabby holding two greenlights

How do I track student progress during a competition?

Navigate to the Reflex Competitions homepage, and then select a competition to view the Leaderboard. If you have previously worked with Reflex Competitions, you’ll find that you can access your most recent competitions from the banner at the top of your Reflex Reporting Dashboard, by selecting the card of a specific competition.

How are winners determined?

The class with the greatest average number of Green Light Days during the competition duration wins!

Classroom resources

Have fun with Reflex Competitions in your classroom with these free resources! Download our introductory (and customizable) Google Slides to kick-off Reflex Competitions with your students.

Promote your students’ progress online!

Use social media to brag about your classroom’s big wins or challenge another teacher to compete in Reflex Competitions! Download these resources for easy online promotion.

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