Educator Grant
Applications are currently closed. Please submit your grant interest and we will let you know when the next round opens.
Reflex Helps Kids Master Math Fact Fluency
The Reflex Educator Grant gives outstanding teachers free access to our digital math fact fluency solution for their students in Grades 2+ through the current school year.
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Reflex Educator Grant Program - Full Details
Reflex is our newest adaptive and game-based program that uses the latest research-based instructional methods to create a better way to learn math fact fluency.
Who can apply?
The program is open to elementary and middle school classroom educators (grades 2-6) who teach mathematics in the United States, Canada, and English-language schools in other countries.
How many students can use the program?
The grant allows teachers to use Reflex with one classroom of students (up to a maximum of 40).
How many teachers can participate?
Up to two qualified educators per school may participate. For public schools, there is also a limit of ten grantees per district. Please note that educators may only be awarded a grant for ONE school year, ending July 31, 2025.
Ready to make your students math fact fluent?
NOTE: Please submit your grant interest and we will let you know when the next round opens.
What is Reflex?
Adaptive and individualized, Reflex is the most effective system for mastering basic math facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Reflex takes students at every level and helps them quickly gain math fact fluency and confidence.
With the Reflex grant, you can get this in your classroom to try for the entire school year, with no purchase required.
What People Say About Reflex
Awesome, awesome, awesome! Reflex is by far the best program out there. All but one of my students scored within the targeted norm range on our district calculations assessment. This was an increase from 50% on the fall assessment.
- Reflex Teacher, Stevens Point Area Public School District, WIReflex provides my students with the opportunity to grow and make gains with their math facts. They see the progress they have made and it’s been a confidence booster for them. I have seen this reflect in all academic areas and I am pleased with the progress they are making.
- Reflex Teacher, Albuquerque Public School District, NMStudents love Reflex! They ask to do it every day. You can really tell they have learned their multiplication facts while working on equivalent fractions. Thank you for the great program!
- Reflex Teacher, Greene County School District, TNAt the beginning of the year one of my second graders was solving six addition problems in two minutes. That student is now solving 30 addition problems in two minutes. He is also able to solve 30 subtraction problems in two minutes. His fluency started to shoot up after starting Reflex.
- Reflex RTI Specialist, Plymouth-Shiloh Local School District, OHA parent told me their child asks to get onto Reflex in their free time, instead of watching TV or playing video games. I think that speaks volumes about this resource!
- Reflex Teacher, Cornerstone Charter Academy, NCAwesome, awesome, awesome! Reflex is by far the best program out there. All but one of my students scored within the targeted norm range on our district calculations assessment. This was an increase from 50% on the fall assessment.
- Reflex Teacher, Stevens Point Area Public School District, WIReflex provides my students with the opportunity to grow and make gains with their math facts. They see the progress they have made and it’s been a confidence booster for them. I have seen this reflect in all academic areas and I am pleased with the progress they are making.
- Reflex Teacher, Albuquerque Public School District, NMStudents love Reflex! They ask to do it every day. You can really tell they have learned their multiplication facts while working on equivalent fractions. Thank you for the great program!
- Reflex Teacher, Greene County School District, TNAt the beginning of the year one of my second graders was solving six addition problems in two minutes. That student is now solving 30 addition problems in two minutes. He is also able to solve 30 subtraction problems in two minutes. His fluency started to shoot up after starting Reflex.
- Reflex RTI Specialist, Plymouth-Shiloh Local School District, OHA parent told me their child asks to get onto Reflex in their free time, instead of watching TV or playing video games. I think that speaks volumes about this resource!
- Reflex Teacher, Cornerstone Charter Academy, NCAwesome, awesome, awesome! Reflex is by far the best program out there. All but one of my students scored within the targeted norm range on our district calculations assessment. This was an increase from 50% on the fall assessment.
- Reflex Teacher, Stevens Point Area Public School District, WI

Propel academic growth in math with Reflex and Frax.
Two of the biggest challenges in elementary math are also the strongest predictors of future math achievement: math fact fluency and fractions. Together, Reflex and Frax exclusively target these critical skills so students can build the strong foundation they need for ongoing success in math.
Make fractions finally make sense with Frax!
Adaptive and game-based, it uses the latest research-based instructional methods to create a better way to learn fractions. With Frax, students come to understand that fractions are numbers too. The fun challenges, personalized instruction, and motivating rewards help students build their skills and understanding - all while exploring the galaxy with fractions!
Get 30-Day Free Trial
Recommended instructional sequence
It starts with Reflex. It moves to fractions. And it ends with your students learning and loving math like never before!
Start with Reflex
Begin students in Reflex to start building math fact fluency
Switch to Frax
Switch students to Frax exclusively for the duration of fractions instruction
Back to Reflex
Return students to Reflex after finishing Frax to complete progression
Use Together
Use both Reflex and Frax as appropriate for year-end refreshers and review
Take your own tour of Reflex
Explore everything Reflex has to offer with a free trial. Or contact us for a quote or demo.
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