Newberry Elementary School in South Carolina just celebrated their students’ achievements this semester on Reflex with an Alien Sundae party, and their local paper wrote a story about it. Inspired by the Reflex game, their math coach Dale Smith wanted to motivate the kids with a little healthy competition between classes. Just to make the party more “out-of-this-world,” Yoda from Star Wars came to help serve ice cream to the students.
“The students became more focused in computer lab after Mrs. Smith introduced this incentive. We tracked their progress all semester and they would come up to me in the hallway to see how their classes were doing with math facts,” said the school’s computer lab monitor, Kevin Boozer. “The contest became quite competitive. Some students even worked on Reflex at home and over winter break.”
Already this semester students at Newberry have solved over 700,000 facts in Reflex. Their next goal is to reach one million facts by the end of March! We know they can do it–and we look forward to hearing about their next celebration!