“Hitting Fluency Out of the Park” Bulletin Board

A 4th-grade teacher at an elementary school in Osceola County School District, Florida came up with a unique way to celebrate her students’ math fact fluency. She created a Reflex bulletin board with a baseball diamond at the center that says “watch the players score a run in multiplication and division fact fluency.”
“The bases stand for 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% fact fluency. Students have individual baseball players that they move around the bases as they gain fluency. And we move our players on the 15th and the 30th of every month.”
Her students have enjoyed using Reflex and “are very eager to earn tokens and have their tree grow.” And their fact fluency is starting to show in the classroom. She adds, “Reflex allows students to master the basics, and this allows them to free up more working room in their brain for the actual higher-order problems.”