Ms. Brittany Fangmeier set up a football-themed Reflex bulletin board to help track her students’ progress at Gulf Coast Charter Academy South in Collier County Public Schools, Florida.
Her 3rd-grade students have struggled with their math facts, so she’s using the board to encourage Reflex usage and celebrate their success. “I chose a football theme because the third grade has a football theme for our classes. My class helped me measure out the piece to set it up. The board shows who has mastered math facts on Reflex.”
Ms. Fangmeier introduced the board to her class yesterday, “and they immediately got excited to go on Reflex and add footballs to their names. My goal is to encourage them to go on Reflex and master their math facts. My hope is that it will help encourage them to learn their facts quickly, which will definitely help increase their growth in class.”