Celebrating Green Light Days with a Bulletin Board

James H Bright Elementary in Miami-Dade County Public Schools is using a bulletin board to celebrate student success and green light days, to motivate their students learn their math facts.
Ms. Denise Delgado, the Math Coach, set up the bulletin board in the hallway. “We are using the board to motivate students to use Reflex so that they may gain the fluency they need to be successful in math. Students with proficiency over 70% are recognized on the board, and students that become 100% fluent will have their pictures displayed.” The school also plans to offer prizes, certificates and pizza parties for the students and classes that show the most growth.
She adds, “Since the board has been up, I have noticed that all students show a great deal of interest in seeing who is recognized as they walk the hallways, and we hope that this will continue to motivate them as the weeks progress.”