Reflex Milestone Tree Bulletin Board

Ms. Liz Green, Ms. Stephanie Terry, and Ms. Deanna Snedeger, 3rd grade teachers at Sni-A-Bar Elementary in Grain Valley Schools, Missouri, shared the way they are celebrating student success in math.
To mark their students growth in math fact fluency, the teachers created a Reflex Milestone Tree. “When students reach a milestone, such as 100 new fluent facts or 90% fluency, we print out their milestone certificate and they get to add a leaf to the tree. On the leaf, students write their name and a description of the milestone they reached.”
Their school just started using Reflex in April. Ms. Liz Green says, “The kids love Reflex and want to play every day. They’re even excited to play it at home. We’ve noticed more automatic fact fluency in all levels of students. As a grade level, our students started at about 20% fact fluency and after using Reflex for only one month have increased to about 60% fluency.”