Celebrating Reflex Progress with Brag Tags

Ms. Carrie Mayville, a second grade teacher in Waltonville Community Unit School District 1 in Illinois, uses necklaces and brag tags to celebrate her students’ success with Reflex.
“I award my students brag tags and a color coded bead to put on a ball chain necklace. The students are very proud and love to wear their necklaces around the school so others can see what they have accomplished.”
They also display student achievement on a “Success Wall” in the hallway. “I take each student’s picture and attach it to a tag with their benchmarks listed. I have my students sign their name on the posters. Each time they achieve a milestone, I place a sticker on it on the benchmarks listed under their picture.”
“Reflex helps my students be more successful in math by providing math fact practice in a game-like manner. There is something for each child. The games vary so students can pick one that they enjoy. Fact fluency is extremely important in building confidence and ease with solving complicated, multi-step problems.”
Students use Reflex at a technology station as one of my guided math rotations, and they also use it at home. “My students have made great progress in learning their addition and subtraction facts. I have one student who always counted on his fingers to find the sum to and addition problem. He now can recall some of the facts he has mastered through Reflex without using his fingers. He is very proud.”
She adds, “I have never seen my students more motivated to practice their math facts.”