Superpower Math Fact Fluency Board

Ms. Kristina Lott, a 5th grade teacher in Frankin Township School District in New Jersey, celebrates her students’ math fact fluency with a fun superhero-themed bulletin board, “We know our facts — what’s your superpower?”
She monitors fluency percentages, number of facts fluent, and number of facts solved for each student on the bulletin board. “Every student has a ‘mask’ with a data sheet that is updated when they earn new milestones. Students who earn 80% get their picture on the board in a superhero cape. When they ‘graduate,’ their picture earns a cap on top!”
Her students are all making progress in Reflex, but she has “a group of a few students in my fifth grade class who really enjoy talking about their success. They love to encourage each other to unlock certain games. They support each other’s progress, but also have that friendly competitiveness that encourages them to work harder each day.”
Ms. Lott adds, “Students love gaining the certificates, and we get positive feedback at parent conferences as well about how proud they were regarding their success and progress. It’s just amazing to see the versatility in the program. The first two students to ‘graduate’ with 100% fluency in all four operations in our class were one of our top students, followed by one of our basic skills students. It was just so neat to see that fluency in Reflex really can be achieved by every learner!”