A research study recently explored the impact of Reflex use on math fact fluency for students in grades 2-4 across two school districts during the 2016-2017 school year. The randomized experiment included 55% non-white, 47% economically disadvantaged, and 25% academically at-risk students, and fluency was measured through an external test. The recent study provides an updated analysis with new analytic strategies focused on the metrics most relevant to today’s classroom.
The experiment: Randomized control trial in rural and urban Title I schools
The treatment and control groups were spread across the two Title I schools in Texas, Rosehill Elementary School in Tomball ISD (rural) and Bruce Elementary School in Houston ISD (urban). The final sample included 74 Reflex users and 77 control students who completed a paper and pencil measure of math fact fluency at the pre-test in September and the post-test in May.
The results: Reflex improves math fact fluency in elementary school students
The results were clear. Students who used Reflex experienced greater improvement in their math fact fluency than students who did not use Reflex. Even students who started out identical on the pre-test before using Reflex outperformed control students by 2.6x on the post-test.
Find out all of the details in the research brief.
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