Happy New Year! The arrival of a fresh start in the classroom can be inspiring and overwhelming all at once. Where did my students leave off? I can’t wait to try this new lesson. How can I make the most impact in a short amount of time? I have to redo that bulletin board. Did I make those copies?
Getting students back on track post-holidays: Boosting math fact fluency
As you ease back into school mode after winter break, utilize ExploreLearning Reflex to increase your students’ math fact fluency in an engaging, low-prep way. Adaptive and individualized, Reflex’s game-based platform can cure the post-holiday blues for you and your students, all while increasing fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
What is Reflex?
Reflex helps students become math fact fluent from initial fact introduction to mastery using a variety of game-driven lessons, frequent rewards, and personalization features. Reflex motivates students to learn math facts in a variety of ways, using the Green Light as a daily indicator of a successful math fact practice session.
With built-in reporting and professional development resources, Reflex is easy to implement at any time of the school year, including after the holidays. It is recommended that students use Reflex and earn the Green Light at least three times per week. On average, students can complete a Reflex session within 10-20 minutes.
A practical guide on how to use Reflex math after the holidays
Increase student motivation (and math fact fluency!) once you return from holiday break by incorporating Reflex in these practical ways.
- Carve out dedicated time after morning announcements for Reflex usage. Your class can get a quiet, independent start to the day while you can meet one-on-one with students or catch up on planning before your first whole group lesson.
- Create a New Year’s or Valentine's Day winter bulletin board to encourage class-wide Reflex milestones.
- Collaborate with your students to create a math fact competition that requires class-wide Reflex participation to earn a group reward, like a classroom party, movie day, or extra recess.
- Motivate students with creative and affordable rewards for Reflex usage.
- Use Reflex during longer periods of transition, like those 25 minutes between art class and math or before packing up for dismissal.
- Incorporate Reflex during your math block. The first few weeks of school after the break will consist of lots of review and reteaching. While you meet with smaller groups, have the remainder of the class work on Reflex to build their fluency skills.
- Have fun with a winter STEM activity that builds off of students’ math fact knowledge they are practicing in Reflex.
- Take your Reflex implementation to the next level with virtual professional development, Reflex tools, and a collaborative learning community with fellow teachers.
- Pass out Reflex student milestone certificates to inspire students and share progress with families at home.
Experience Reflex in your classroom this post-holiday season with a free trial.