"Who's Using Reflex Best" Bulletin board

An Interventionist at an elementary school in Clover Park School District in Washington first started using Reflex with her students last year. “I saw how motivating and powerful Reflex was for helping kids become more confident and successful with their math facts, which we know increases their ability to learn more complex math.”
She created a bulletin board to “foster some healthy competition among grade levels,” and encourage students to get the Green Light regularly. She has encouraged “all students to use Reflex either in their classrooms or at home. I’ve tried to help teachers find ways to integrate Reflex into their daily/weekly instruction whether through a math station rotation, or whole group time in the computer lab.”

When students become 100% fluent in Reflex, they are awarded “Smarty” necklaces (necklaces made out of smarties candies) and they are “recognized them in front of the student body.”
She kept track of high scores with a Reflex Leaderboard, and she found that this also helped motivate the students. “Kids were very competitive about getting their high scores added to it.” And she sent us a video of a student getting a high score in Ninja to the Stars. The other students couldn’t believe how high in space he was!
“I am very much looking forward to next year, when I can help teachers build Reflex into their daily schedules and create motivating displays to share their students’ growth,” she added.