Now Available: New Reflex Competitions for Math Fact Fluency Fun

Enhancing student engagement can be as simple as bringing a bit of friendly math competition to the class. Find out how learning basic math facts is about to get more fun through online games with Reflex!
New Reflex Competitions: Engage your students in math fact fluency competitions
New Reflex Competitions allow teachers to host competitions among different classrooms in the same school building while engaging students in learning. Now, students in one classroom can face off against other classes in a school for fun rivalry while building fact fluency!
Accessing and setting up Reflex Competitions in the classroom
Accessing Reflex Competitions is easy! You can access Reflex Competitions from your ExploreLearning Account Home. There will be a new Reflex Competitions icon just below the product panel.
From the Reflex Competitions homepage, click "Create Competition." Set your competition name and invite fellow teachers at your school to participate. If you teach multiple classes yourself, your students can compete against one another without inviting another teacher!
Rules and expectations for teachers and students
After finding other teachers in the building to participate, you will need to set the duration of the competition. Select a “Team” (Reflex class group) to participate in the competition. Remember to give your team a name and customize your team with an icon and team color.
Tracking progress is simple on the Reflex Competitions homepage – just select a competition to view the Leaderboard.
What about the students? Once a competition is active, students do not need to take any additional action when using Reflex. Their individual Reflex data will contribute to overall Team performance. They just need to earn those Green Lights. The class with the greatest average number of Green Light Days during the competition duration wins!
Enhancing math facts and math skills through Reflex Competitions
When students develop fact fluency, they free up their working memory to retrieve math facts with little effort, which allows them to devote more time to advanced problem-solving and learning new skills. Giving students another way to practice and use
The importance of math fact fluency
Math fact fluency is the ability of students to accurately, quickly, and effortlessly recall basic math addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication facts. Learning math facts is critical because it sets the foundation for success in more complex math skills and problems. That’s why educators take teaching basic math facts seriously.
Instill student engagement and motivation with Reflex math competition games
Select teachers who worked with ExploreLearning through the development of Reflex Competitions saw increased student engagement. Many reported that students were building fact fluency and earning the Green Light quicker than previous attempts earlier in the school year. Similarly, one teacher reported that overall scores are also improving. Several noted that students were eager to work as a team with the math fact fluency game.
Everybody's Talking About Reflex
“I like that it's a fun way to motivate the kids to earn their Green Light each day! The competitions are easy to set up.”
-Teacher from Michigan“These are easy to use, easy to set up, and have had the desired effect of improving fact fluency and increasing their Reflex practice at home.”
-Teacher from New Jersey“I like that it's a fun way to motivate the kids to earn their Green Light each day! The competitions are easy to set up.”
-Teacher from Michigan“These are easy to use, easy to set up, and have had the desired effect of improving fact fluency and increasing their Reflex practice at home.”
-Teacher from New Jersey“I like that it's a fun way to motivate the kids to earn their Green Light each day! The competitions are easy to set up.”
-Teacher from MichiganDon’t have Reflex in your classroom yet? Now is the perfect time! Take a free trial to encourage students with effective math fact fluency games!